October 12, 2017
Meeting of Central Bank Governors
The CIV Meeting of Central Bank Governors of the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies was held in Washington D. C., United States of America, on 12 October, 2017. The Meeting began with a session on the World Economic and Financial Outlook, presented by Messrs. Stephen S. Poloz, Governor, Bank of Canada, Pablo Hernández de Cos, Director General of Economics, Statistics and Research, Banco de España, and Mario Marcel, President, Banco Central de Chile. The following session, conducted by the President of the Banco Central de la República Argentina, Federico Sturzenegger, dealt with the topics under discussion at the G20. The third, a special session, led by Fernando Restoy, Chairman, Financial Stability Institute, addressed the recent advances in financial regulation and remaining challenges. All sessions were of great interest for participants, who contributed with valuable comments. Also, within the framework of the CIV Meeting of Central Bank Governors, the meetings of CEMLA’s Board of Governors and Assembly took place.
Meeting of Governors of Latin America, Spain and the Philippines at the IMF-World Bank
The LII Meeting of Governors of Latin America, Spain and the Philippines at the IMF-World Bank, was held last October 12, 2017, in Washington D. C., United States of America. During the meeting, Maurice Obstfeld, Economic Counsellor, Director of Research, International Monetary Fund, made a presentation on the topic “International Monetary Relations: Taking Finance Seriously”.